Birth Debriefing

Lainey offers an opportunity for birth debriefing sessions. This is best provided to women and their partner.

Obstetric emergencies like post-partum haemorrhage, shoulder dystocia or an emergency cesarean section can be very frightening.

Sometimes birth itself can feel traumatic, without any emergency occurring. These fears and concerns are just as valid.

Debriefing about birth can help to clarify what actually happened in the birth room.  It can help establish feelings of empowerment and relief, especially when shown through a professional eye.

Deep- seated feelings can linger for years. All women should be offered debriefing in the weeks, months or even years after birth.

Referrals can be made for any concerns that may need further review. Sometimes. however a chat about the birth can shine a light on the good, the necessary or things not understood.